joi, 23 octombrie 2008

...and i give up forever to touch you

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You are the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everythïng's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am


stiati ca soarele are gust de vata de zahar?m-am trezit azi de dimineata cu o pofta nebuna de viata!am gustat dintr-un colt de soare si mi-a inghetat dintii!are un gust dulce-amarui care-ti provoaca cei mai minunati fiori de gheata!mi-a adus aminte de copilarie,de viata,de tot ce ma inconjoara si de tot ce iubesc!
de ce cred oamenii ca sunt o ciudata?li se pare imposibil ca vreau si pot sa ma indragostesc si sa iubesc atat de mult,ca vreau sa invat despre orice,ca vreau sa fac din ce in ce mai mult.
am capacitati nelimitate in ceea ce priveste tot ce ma inconjoara.
imi place soarele(tocmai va povesteam ca astazi l-am gustat cu sete),imi place sa alerg desculta prin ploaia de vara,sa las frunzele ruginite sa ma ninga in parc si mai ales,imi place sa gazduiesc pe propriile-mi gene fulgii de zapada in mijlocul iernii!
iubesc valurile la fel de mult cat iubesc aerul tare de munte!imi plac oamenii,copii,batranii,mamicile...tot!imi plac zambetele,ochii!ador lacrimile!imi place starea de euforie,dar si cea de tristete!
si in fiecare zi imi place sa fac altceva,sa vad altceva!un lucru pe care ieri poate nici nu l-am observat,cu siguranta astazi mi se va perinda prin gand,si cel mai probabil va si ramane acolo!
eu sunt cel mai complex si complicat om pe care l-am cunoscut vreodata!am o gramada de pasiuni,iubesc o multime de lucruri si ma indragostesc de orice!
si de fiecare data imi place putea parea superficiala,dar de fapt sunt de o profunzime crancena!pentru ca eu niciodata nu abandonez nimic!toate raman acolo,toate isi au locusorul lor,bine determinat!
am un puzzle de vreo 2000 de piese,la care ma chinui de aproape un an!nu l-am aruncat,desi as fi putut!a ramas acolo,si m-am intors de cateva ori la el!si o sa mai revin!machete strang de vreo 8 ani aproape,si nu m-am oprit nici acum!si nu am facut-o frecvent...tot din cand in cand!asta se numeste tot ca am revenit,nu?pentru ca am momente cand uit complet de ele...
dar pasiunea cea mai mare ramane colectionatul de...iubire!ma indragostesc repede si de orice.
pana acum am doua piese importante in colectia asta,la care as reveni in orice moment!o fi putin,o fi prea mult...una dintre"piese"e mai veche de 6 ani!este de fapt omul de care m-am indragostit pentru prima data,cu adevarat.el a fost primul care m-a privit intr-adevar in ochi,el mi-a atins prima data sufletul.poate de-asta nu am incetat niciodata sa ma gandesc la el,si poate de-asta niciodata nu s-a terminat!
al doilea este...el!si a ramas el de vreo 2 ani aproape...este cel care a dat nastere povestii cu Anibas,printesa cu ochii de smarald!a fost altceva,a fost o joaca,a fost o provocare!surprinzator pentru toti cei din jur,si mai ales pentru mine,a ciuda a tot ce s-a intamplat,in ciuda jocurilor taioase,nu m-am putut indeparta nici pana acum!poate de-aia inca mai pastrez pe noptiera petalele unui trandafir uscat,intr-un pahar albastru!
din toate cate au fost mi-a ramas cate ceva!ghiocelul primit de la colegul din liceu,intr-o agenta veche...mireasma de moeciu...sunet de valuri...o poza intr-o rama,de care sta atarnat un fluture mov...
toate sunt aici si cateodata imi pare ca nu mai e nimic!
vantul se-ndura de mine si-mi aduce cate un "TE IUBESC" soptit!si atunci imi aduc aminte!alteori visele ma mistuie cu dor si dorinta si atunci...revin!

Have you ever really loved a woman?

I. To really love woman, to understand her,
you got to know her deep inside,
hear every thought, see every dream,
give her wings when she wants to fly,
and when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms,
you know you really loved a woman.

ref: When you love a woman, you tell her that she's really wanted,
when you love a woman, you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her it's gonna last forever,
so tell me have you ever really, really, really ever loved a woman.(yeah)

II. To really love a woman, let her hold ya,
'till you know how she needs to be touched,
you got to breathe her, really taste her,
'till you can feel her in your blood,
when you can see your unborn children in her eyes,
you know you really loved a woman.

ref: When you love a woman, you tell her that she's really wanted,
when you love a woman, you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together,
so tell me have you ever really, really, really ever loved a woman.(oohhh)

III. You've got to give her some faith, hold her tight
a little tenderness, you got to treat her right
she will be there for you, taking good care of you (you really got to love a woman)
And when you find yourself lying helpless ïn her arms,
you know you really loved a woman.